What would this story be without the people who live it each day and someone who has helped many families through the trials and tribulations of international adoptions? These are the three people who have really given me insight to what life is like for these families.
Stephanie and Warren Boyd are the parents who have been on this wild adoption ride since adopting their first two children from Russia in 1999. When a family adopts children from overseas, they receive false documentation of the child or children's medical records. Because no one is responsible for keeping record of their medical history and current disabilities, the family's often have no idea what they are getting into when their child comes home. Many times the records do not tell when the child's date of birth is, let alone with what they are diagnosed.
Mary Graber, who works for a national adoption agency located in Pittsburgh and centered around Russian adoptions, gives professional back up to the information Stephanie and Warren provided for me. Not only does Ms. Graber have her own adopted children, she works with the homecoming of adopted children daily. She provides a credited and professional stance for the information my documentary is presenting.
Together, these sources will provide information about this facet of international adoptions overall, while providing the audience with a family whom with they can connect.
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